Zirkus Morsa | Rohöl
Rohöl [german for crude oil] is a natural resource transformed to fit our needs, it becomes the opposite of natural: a synthetic chemical. This concept of great chasm between rock and oil inspired Rosa and Moritz to make a show about rigidity and fluidity, force and fragility, tension and relaxation. It’s about small acquisitions and failures, about hope and the desire to give up. And yes, it’s about balance and imbalance.
In short
- Acrobatics and rola bola
- 55 min.; 1x day (we are working on a shorter outdoor version)
- 300-400 persons
- 2 persons from Chambéry (FR) + 1 from Paris
- Language: none
- Space indoor: 10×10 meter, black dance floor
More info
- Video Rohöl
- FR: dossier et fiche technique
- UK: dossier and technical rider
- Website of the company